XBMC GPL violation
Bil ly
2013-11-02 21:41:57 UTC
There is software, which goes by the name of Vision, which uses the source code of XBMC - http://xbmc.org/

The source code for XBMC is open source and licensed under the GPL - https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master/LICENSE.GPL

The developer of Vision has their own forums at - http://coinopsproject.freeforums.org

Now this developer, who goes by the username of BritneysPAIRS (real name Ken Disson), refuses to release his modified source code as and when he releases the binaries.

I have contacted XBMC, but as they are a collection of people who freely submit there time and effort into XBMC, they cannot afford to do anything about this flagrant violation of the GPL.

It is saddening to see someone who is able to get away with this, who often has shown on his forums utter disregard for the work done by others, yet who benefits from that same work.

Can anything be done?

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