Customer Request, Addendum
Josua Dietze
2013-11-21 18:04:59 UTC

I *have* built kernels according to the Adroid Developer's instructions, like for the Nexus 10.
They need a "device" entry in the Android source though. So where is the "device" folder for the FHD10?

The information received so far is insufficient for building the binary kernel distributed on the device.
This can be seen as a breach of the GPL.

Be so kind and confirm the reception of this response.

Josua Dietze
Sehr geehrter Herr Dietze,
*/1. the exact kernel configuration file for the current kernel version used on the device/*
This is the latest version from RD provide.
Genau wie bei den anderen Quellpaketen - keine Kernelkonfiguration enthalten. Diese Antwort ist nutzlos.

There is no kernel configuration included - as with the previous releases. No help there.
*/2. A short instruction about how to compile the correct kernel even without the configuration file./**//*
Please refer to Android Developer website.
Hier die Angaben für die Kernelerstellung von der Android-Entwickler-Seite.

This is from the Android Developer website.



Figuring out which kernel to build

This table lists the name and locations of the kernel sources and binaries:

Device Binary location Source location Build configuration
flo device/asus/flo-kernel/kernel kernel/msm flo_defconfig
deb device/asus/flo-kernel/kernel kernel/msm flo_defconfig
manta device/samsung/manta/kernel kernel/exynos manta_defconfig
mako device/lge/mako-kernel/kernel kernel/msm mako_defconfig
grouper device/asus/grouper/kernel kernel/tegra tegra3_android_defconfig
tilapia device/asus/grouper/kernel kernel/tegra tegra3_android_defconfig
maguro device/samsung/tuna/kernel kernel/omap tuna_defconfig
toro device/samsung/tuna/kernel kernel/omap tuna_defconfig
panda device/ti/panda/kernel kernel/omap panda_defconfig
stingray device/moto/wingray/kernel kernel/tegra stingray_defconfig
wingray device/moto/wingray/kernel kernel/tegra stingray_defconfig
crespo device/samsung/crespo/kernel kernel/samsung herring_defconfig
crespo4g device/samsung/crespo/kernel kernel/samsung herring_defconfig


Wie wird das Kernel für FHD10 hier integriert? Bitte einen Verweis auf die fehlende Information.
Und wo ist die "defconfig" für das FHD10?

How does the FHD10 kernel fit in here? Please provide a link to the specific information which is still missing.
Ans where is the "defconfig" for the FHD10?

Josua Dietze
- Bitte fügen Sie einer Antwort immer den gesamten Schriftverkehr bei!
- Please always attach all previous mails!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
*Pierre Sacher [P06S]***
Service Coordinator
*ASUS Computer GmbH
*Harkortstr. 21-23
+49 (0) 2102 5789557
D-40880 Ratingen
+49 (0) 2102 959911
Geschäftsführer: Eric Chen
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf: HRB43472
Think of the environment...do you need to print this e-mail?**
*/Name : Josua Dietze/*
*/Land : Germany[Deutschland]/*
*/Produkt : Eee Pad/*
*/Model : ASUS MeMO Pad FHD 10/*
*/Seriennummer : D7OKCT011113/*
*/Datum des Kaufs : 2013/06/12/*
*/Betriebssystem : Android /*
*/Asus provides the source code of the Linux kernel used on the FHD10 for download./*
*/However, the specific kernel configuration for the binary kernel on the device is obviously not included, nor is any hint about how to obtain this configuration./*
*/It is common view that the kernel configuration is part of the obligation the GPL imposes. The kernel configuration is essential to generate a kernel that is identical to the one on the device./*
*/I hereby request either of the following:/*
*/1. the exact kernel configuration file for the current kernel version used on the device/*
*/2. A short instruction about how to compile the correct kernel even without the configuration file./*
*/Thank you./*
- Bitte fügen Sie einer Antwort immer den gesamten Schriftverkehr bei!
- Please always attach all previous mails!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
*Pierre Sacher [P06S]***
Service Coordinator
*ASUS Computer GmbH
*Harkortstr. 21-23
+49 (0) 2102 5789557
D-40880 Ratingen
+49 (0) 2102 959911
Geschäftsführer: Eric Chen
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf: HRB43472