2014-02-09 12:20:19 UTC
Neosmart Technologies, Inc. [NEOSMART] is a United States of America registered company that sells Microsoft Windows recovery tools, including "Easy Recovery Essentials" (a.k.a EasyRE)[1], at a
range of prices[2] from US$19.75 to US$74.95 from their web-site[3].
EasyRE is provided as a digital download. The "Home" edition of "EasyRE for Windows 7" is an ISO image of approximately 59MB. It contains an El Torito GRUB bootable image[4] and an EFI GRUB
boot-loader[5] licensed under GPLv2+, GPLv3, and GPLv3+[6]. The ISO-9660 file-system[7] contains the GRUB v2 second-stage[8] that loads a Linux kernel and initial RAM-Disk[9] containing the root
There are many F/OSS packages in the image[11] licensed under a variety of licenses including GPL (v2, v2+, v3, v3+) and LGPL. In addition to GNU GRUB v2 and the Linux kernel, there is Busybox
v1.18.4 (GPL v2), BASH v4.2.0(2) (GPL v3+) and many others[12].
Searching for "GPL" finds the GPL v3 license text at "/usr/share/licenses/gpl.txt" and LGPL v2.1 at "/usr/share/licenses/lgpl.txt" (along with the BSD, MIT, Mozilla, RA-Link licenses.)
Despite extensive searching I cannot find an offer to provide the open-source source-code either on the Neosmart web-site[13] or on the running image. In particular, the web-site open-source
statement is big on claims of contributing to FOSS projects and includes the sentence "Below you’ll find a listing of various NeoSmart Technologies’ projects that make use of open source components"
with no such list provided.
There is also mention of a github profile where the company shares its open-source code[14] but that doesn't contain the source-code to the EasyRE distribution.
There is some mention of F/OSS licensed packages for their EasyBCD product[15] but that only provides links to other web-sites that host the code.
On 5th January 2014 I wrote to *** requesting a copy of the source-code for the open-source parts of EasyRE but have received no response.
This leads me to ask these questions:
1. How should NEOSMART make the offer for source-code?
2. Is it compliant with GPLv2 or later versions for NEOSMART to link to other organisations that host source-code?
3. In the case of EasyRE what should be the next steps? Is this an issue that should be handled by a F/OSS organisation dedicated to achieving license compliance in the USA (bearing in mind the very
commercial nature of the NEOSMART distribution, extent of F/OSS projects incorporated, and lack of response to personal communication) ?
[4] $ geteltorito ~/Downloads/EasyRE\ for\ Windows\ 7.iso >/dev/null
Booting catalog starts at sector: 39
Manufacturer of CD:
Image architecture: x86
Boot media type is: no emulation
El Torito image starts at sector 1480 and has 4 sector(s) of 512 Bytes
[5] $ strings /mnt/EasyRE/efi/boot/bootx64.efi | grep grub | wc -l
[6] $ strings /mnt/EasyRE/efi/boot/bootx64.efi | grep LICENSE
[7] $ sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/EasyRE\ for\ Windows\ 7.iso /mnt/EasyRE
[8] $ cat /mnt/EasyRE/boot/grub/grub.cfg
if [ "$EFIBOOT" = "0" ] ; then
insmod vbe
insmod vga
insmod video_bochs
insmod video_cirrus
insmod efi_uga
insmod efi_gop
set gfxmode=auto
set gfxpayload=auto
#set gfxmode=1024x768
#set gfxpayload=1024x768
insmod part_msdos
linux /boot/bzImage rw root=/dev/null autologin sound=noconf kmap=en acpi=off noapic nolapic noacpi nomodeset @LXc0IC1lMTQyNjM1MzIzOCAtemVmYzQzNWMyYmYxYWQyZjYxNjk0OWZiYmU3MTM1ZmQ0YzQyZjQ0ZTU=
initrd /boot/rootfs.gz
[9] $ file /mnt/EasyRE/boot/bzimage
/mnt/EasyRE/boot/bzimage: Linux kernel x86 boot executable bzImage, version 2.6.37-slitaz (***@slitaz) #5 SMP Tue Aug 27 20:53:49 UTC 2013, RO-rootFS, root_dev 0x1641, swap_dev 0x3, Normal VGA
[10] $ cat /mnt/EasyRE/boot/rootfs.gz | lzma -d | sudo cpio -id
273701 blocks
$ ls
bin dev etc home init lib media mnt proc root sbin sys tmp usr var
[11] $ ls var/lib/tazpkg/installed
915resolution glibc libkrb5 midori slitaz-tools-boxes xorg-libXfont
acl glibc-base libkrb5support nano speex xorg-libXft
alsa-lib glibmm libltdl ncurses sqlite xorg-libXi
alsa-utils glib-networking libmad ncurses-common startup-notification xorg-libXinerama
atk gmp libnotify ncursesw sudo xorg-libxkbfile
atkmm gparted libogg ntfs-3g sysfsutils xorg-libXmu
attr gpxe libpng obconf syslinux xorg-libXpm
bash grub4dos-linux libsexy openbox syslinux-extra xorg-libXrandr
busybox gtk+ libsigc++ openssh tazlito xorg-libXrender
bzip2 gtkdialog libsoup openssl tazpkg xorg-libXss
bzlib gtkmm libsqlite p11-kit testdisk xorg-libXt
cairo hal libssl pango tiff xorg-libXtst
cairomm hardinfo libtasn1 pangomm transset-df xorg-libXv
cdparanoia-III hicolor-icon-theme libtaz parted ttf-dejavu xorg-libXvMC
cdrkit isapnptools libunique pciids udev xorg-libXxf86vm
clamav jpeg libusb pciutils util-linux-ng-blkid xorg-rgb
clearlooks kbd-base libusb-compat pcmanfm util-linux-ng-getopt xorg-server
cookutils krb5 libvorbis pcmciautils util-linux-ng-sfdisk xorg-setxkbmap
coreutils lcms libwebkit pcre util-linux-ng-uuid xorg-xauth
dbus leafpad libxcb pixman viewnior xorg-xcompmgr
dbus-glib libao libxml2 poppler vorbis-tools xorg-xf86-input-evdev
depmod libboost-filesystem libxslt popt vte xorg-xf86-input-evtouch
desktop-file-utils libboost-system linux posixovl wireless_tools xorg-xf86-input-keyboard
dialog libcap linux-agp ppp wpa_supplicant xorg-xf86-input-microtouch
dosfstools libcddb linux-crypto psmisc xcb-util xorg-xf86-input-mouse
e2fsprogs libcomerr linux-drm readline xorg xorg-xf86-input-mutouch
enchant libcomerr3 linux-firmware retawq xorg-base-fonts xorg-xf86-input-plpevtch
epdfview libcrypto linux-slitaz rp-pppoe xorg-libfontenc xorg-xf86-input-synaptics
expat libcurl linux-sound sakura xorg-libICE xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse
firmware-rt2x00 libdrm linux-wireless sftp-server xorg-libpciaccess xorg-xf86-video-fbdev
flac libevent lua shared-mime-info xorg-libSM xorg-xkbcomp
fontconfig libffi lxappearance slim xorg-libX11 xorg-xkeyboard-config
freetype libgcrypt lxpanel slitaz-base-files xorg-libXau xorg-xmodmap
fuse libgio lxrandr slitaz-boot-scripts xorg-libXaw xorg-xrandr
gamin libgiomm lxtask slitaz-configs xorg-libXcomposite xorg-xset
gcc-lib-base libglade lzlib slitaz-configs-base xorg-libXcursor xorg-xsetroot
gcolor2 libgnutls lzma slitaz-icon xorg-libXdamage xterm
gdk-pixbuf libgpg-error menu-cache slitaz-menus xorg-libXdmcp yad
gettext-base libidn mesa slitaz-polar-cursors xorg-libXext zlib
glib libjpeg mhwaveedit slitaz-tools xorg-libXfixes
[12] $ sudo find . -type f -exec grep -l GPL {} \;
range of prices[2] from US$19.75 to US$74.95 from their web-site[3].
EasyRE is provided as a digital download. The "Home" edition of "EasyRE for Windows 7" is an ISO image of approximately 59MB. It contains an El Torito GRUB bootable image[4] and an EFI GRUB
boot-loader[5] licensed under GPLv2+, GPLv3, and GPLv3+[6]. The ISO-9660 file-system[7] contains the GRUB v2 second-stage[8] that loads a Linux kernel and initial RAM-Disk[9] containing the root
There are many F/OSS packages in the image[11] licensed under a variety of licenses including GPL (v2, v2+, v3, v3+) and LGPL. In addition to GNU GRUB v2 and the Linux kernel, there is Busybox
v1.18.4 (GPL v2), BASH v4.2.0(2) (GPL v3+) and many others[12].
Searching for "GPL" finds the GPL v3 license text at "/usr/share/licenses/gpl.txt" and LGPL v2.1 at "/usr/share/licenses/lgpl.txt" (along with the BSD, MIT, Mozilla, RA-Link licenses.)
Despite extensive searching I cannot find an offer to provide the open-source source-code either on the Neosmart web-site[13] or on the running image. In particular, the web-site open-source
statement is big on claims of contributing to FOSS projects and includes the sentence "Below you’ll find a listing of various NeoSmart Technologies’ projects that make use of open source components"
with no such list provided.
There is also mention of a github profile where the company shares its open-source code[14] but that doesn't contain the source-code to the EasyRE distribution.
There is some mention of F/OSS licensed packages for their EasyBCD product[15] but that only provides links to other web-sites that host the code.
On 5th January 2014 I wrote to *** requesting a copy of the source-code for the open-source parts of EasyRE but have received no response.
This leads me to ask these questions:
1. How should NEOSMART make the offer for source-code?
2. Is it compliant with GPLv2 or later versions for NEOSMART to link to other organisations that host source-code?
3. In the case of EasyRE what should be the next steps? Is this an issue that should be handled by a F/OSS organisation dedicated to achieving license compliance in the USA (bearing in mind the very
commercial nature of the NEOSMART distribution, extent of F/OSS projects incorporated, and lack of response to personal communication) ?
[4] $ geteltorito ~/Downloads/EasyRE\ for\ Windows\ 7.iso >/dev/null
Booting catalog starts at sector: 39
Manufacturer of CD:
Image architecture: x86
Boot media type is: no emulation
El Torito image starts at sector 1480 and has 4 sector(s) of 512 Bytes
[5] $ strings /mnt/EasyRE/efi/boot/bootx64.efi | grep grub | wc -l
[6] $ strings /mnt/EasyRE/efi/boot/bootx64.efi | grep LICENSE
[7] $ sudo mount -o loop ~/Downloads/EasyRE\ for\ Windows\ 7.iso /mnt/EasyRE
[8] $ cat /mnt/EasyRE/boot/grub/grub.cfg
if [ "$EFIBOOT" = "0" ] ; then
insmod vbe
insmod vga
insmod video_bochs
insmod video_cirrus
insmod efi_uga
insmod efi_gop
set gfxmode=auto
set gfxpayload=auto
#set gfxmode=1024x768
#set gfxpayload=1024x768
insmod part_msdos
linux /boot/bzImage rw root=/dev/null autologin sound=noconf kmap=en acpi=off noapic nolapic noacpi nomodeset @LXc0IC1lMTQyNjM1MzIzOCAtemVmYzQzNWMyYmYxYWQyZjYxNjk0OWZiYmU3MTM1ZmQ0YzQyZjQ0ZTU=
initrd /boot/rootfs.gz
[9] $ file /mnt/EasyRE/boot/bzimage
/mnt/EasyRE/boot/bzimage: Linux kernel x86 boot executable bzImage, version 2.6.37-slitaz (***@slitaz) #5 SMP Tue Aug 27 20:53:49 UTC 2013, RO-rootFS, root_dev 0x1641, swap_dev 0x3, Normal VGA
[10] $ cat /mnt/EasyRE/boot/rootfs.gz | lzma -d | sudo cpio -id
273701 blocks
$ ls
bin dev etc home init lib media mnt proc root sbin sys tmp usr var
[11] $ ls var/lib/tazpkg/installed
915resolution glibc libkrb5 midori slitaz-tools-boxes xorg-libXfont
acl glibc-base libkrb5support nano speex xorg-libXft
alsa-lib glibmm libltdl ncurses sqlite xorg-libXi
alsa-utils glib-networking libmad ncurses-common startup-notification xorg-libXinerama
atk gmp libnotify ncursesw sudo xorg-libxkbfile
atkmm gparted libogg ntfs-3g sysfsutils xorg-libXmu
attr gpxe libpng obconf syslinux xorg-libXpm
bash grub4dos-linux libsexy openbox syslinux-extra xorg-libXrandr
busybox gtk+ libsigc++ openssh tazlito xorg-libXrender
bzip2 gtkdialog libsoup openssl tazpkg xorg-libXss
bzlib gtkmm libsqlite p11-kit testdisk xorg-libXt
cairo hal libssl pango tiff xorg-libXtst
cairomm hardinfo libtasn1 pangomm transset-df xorg-libXv
cdparanoia-III hicolor-icon-theme libtaz parted ttf-dejavu xorg-libXvMC
cdrkit isapnptools libunique pciids udev xorg-libXxf86vm
clamav jpeg libusb pciutils util-linux-ng-blkid xorg-rgb
clearlooks kbd-base libusb-compat pcmanfm util-linux-ng-getopt xorg-server
cookutils krb5 libvorbis pcmciautils util-linux-ng-sfdisk xorg-setxkbmap
coreutils lcms libwebkit pcre util-linux-ng-uuid xorg-xauth
dbus leafpad libxcb pixman viewnior xorg-xcompmgr
dbus-glib libao libxml2 poppler vorbis-tools xorg-xf86-input-evdev
depmod libboost-filesystem libxslt popt vte xorg-xf86-input-evtouch
desktop-file-utils libboost-system linux posixovl wireless_tools xorg-xf86-input-keyboard
dialog libcap linux-agp ppp wpa_supplicant xorg-xf86-input-microtouch
dosfstools libcddb linux-crypto psmisc xcb-util xorg-xf86-input-mouse
e2fsprogs libcomerr linux-drm readline xorg xorg-xf86-input-mutouch
enchant libcomerr3 linux-firmware retawq xorg-base-fonts xorg-xf86-input-plpevtch
epdfview libcrypto linux-slitaz rp-pppoe xorg-libfontenc xorg-xf86-input-synaptics
expat libcurl linux-sound sakura xorg-libICE xorg-xf86-input-vmmouse
firmware-rt2x00 libdrm linux-wireless sftp-server xorg-libpciaccess xorg-xf86-video-fbdev
flac libevent lua shared-mime-info xorg-libSM xorg-xkbcomp
fontconfig libffi lxappearance slim xorg-libX11 xorg-xkeyboard-config
freetype libgcrypt lxpanel slitaz-base-files xorg-libXau xorg-xmodmap
fuse libgio lxrandr slitaz-boot-scripts xorg-libXaw xorg-xrandr
gamin libgiomm lxtask slitaz-configs xorg-libXcomposite xorg-xset
gcc-lib-base libglade lzlib slitaz-configs-base xorg-libXcursor xorg-xsetroot
gcolor2 libgnutls lzma slitaz-icon xorg-libXdamage xterm
gdk-pixbuf libgpg-error menu-cache slitaz-menus xorg-libXdmcp yad
gettext-base libidn mesa slitaz-polar-cursors xorg-libXext zlib
glib libjpeg mhwaveedit slitaz-tools xorg-libXfixes
[12] $ sudo find . -type f -exec grep -l GPL {} \;