R-Link Source-code request
2014-04-14 19:01:19 UTC
I am writing to request a copy of the open-source computer software source-code of the R-Link [1] navigation and entertainment system distributed by Renault in the Clio and other models.

As your Intellectual Property legal team will be aware this software is protected by Copyright and without a copyright license from the original authors it is an offence to distribute it as Renault is

The legal team will also be aware that the GNU General Public License [2] and the associated Lesser General Public License [3] are two of the primary copyright licences covering the collective works.
Those copyright licenses from the software authors are the only terms on which the software may be distributed by Renault.

The R-Link system is based on Google's Android operating system. Android is a collective work which includes several separate software projects including, but not limited to: the Linux kernel,
Busybox, DNSmasq, Bluez, DBus, Android Open Source Project, and many other core libraries and services.

The GPL and LGPL licenses require anyone re-distributing the software programs to make available to those receiving the software or any third party, upon request, a copy of the machine-readable source

The following list of compiled binary executables and the applicable licenses comes from the file "/etc/NOTICE.html.gz" included in the R-Link software:

/system/lib/libexifgnu.a (LGPL)
/system/lib/libusb-compat.so (GPL)
/system/lib/libusb.so (GPL)
/kernel (v2.6.32, omap3, GPL v2)
/system/bin/dbus-daemon and
/system/lib/libdbus.so (Academic Free License v2.1 and v2, GPL v2)
/system/lib/libnetlink.so (GPL v2)
/system/lib/libxtables.a (GPL v2)
/system/bin/gsm0710muxd (GPL v2)
/system/lib/libwpa_client.so (GPL v2)
/system/lib/libasound.so (LGPL v2.1)
/system/lib/libbluez-common-static.a (LGPL v2.1)
/system/lib/libwebcore.so (BSD, GPL v2, LGPL v2.1)
/system/lib/libext2_profile.so (GPL v2)
/busybox (GPL v2)
/system/bin/mkdosfs (GPL v2)
/system/lib/libfdt.a (GPL v2)
/system/xbin/usb_modeswitch (GPL v2)
/uboot (GPL v2)
/system/bin/dnsmasq (GPL v2)

If I can be of any help in assisting Renault in complying with the relevant copyright licenses please do not hesitate to email me.

Nottinghamshire, UK.

[1] http://www.renault.co.uk/ownerservices/accessories_and_merchandise/multimedia/r-link/
[2] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
[3] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
